Tuesday 28 June 2016

The Giant

The story begun in the middle of our city with thousands of humanoids trying to suck us in these suckers so we asked a man to show us the way out from this horrible place we walked and walked then we saw a big humanoid. We hid in the sewers and did the same voyage in these gloomy horrible gluey sewers. Three days later we arrived at a beach. It was ten and a half years ago, we made a boat with the broken wood and we sailed off to this place and settled here . and we lived here for 7 years and that’s how we found you.

The end !


  1. Tibo you should leave less place

  2. So so so so good Tibo you did great work

  3. Why did you live so mach space?

  4. why did you put so much space? Its silly
